2019 PCISA Girls Invitational

October 19 - 20, 2019

Venue: SDYC

Saturday, October 19:

Winds were light and somewhat shifty. Race officials kept things on schedule as much as could be accomplished given conditions. Coaching was provided for our team by an assistant. He reports that the venue set up well for the event and that races were run smoothly until winds became too light.

Sunday, October 20:

Sunday shaped up as a perfect day for racing, early, with winds in the 8 knot range from the WNW. The pressure grew throughout the day ultimately getting to the high end of the abilities of some sailors. Race officials and support did an excellent job repairing boats damaged in the wind between sets and keeping the regatta going right up to the end.

Predominant effects early seemed to be a significant geographic left-shift near the shore, lifting the starboard-tack layline quite a bit, with pressure filling in predominantly on the left side of the course. As the winds increased, the pressure on the left provided the greatest advantage though the middle of the day. Eventually, higher pressure became less helpful, and the right side offered more of an advantage.